Monday, December 24, 2012

Time to recess

Many years ago, the people of Israel were waiting for the birth of their Savior.
When He arrived, there was great rejoicing in a small stable.
Today we are also waiting. Waiting for His return.
Do we too rejoice, even as we wait in the midst of dark times?

There is a phrase I hear several times a day from my students:
"Time to recess." Every time I hear it, I think, "No, it's not time to recess; it's time for recess."
But then I began to think about it.
Recess means: to take a break from something; a remote or secluded place.
During the Christmas season, life is so hurried and stressful.
It's hard to take a moment to sit back and relax.
But that is exactly what Christmas is all about.
It's about rest. It's about recess.
Taking a break.
Going to a secluded place to worship and bask in our Saviour's presence.
To thank Him for His gift of love.
Giving us a reason to rejoice and a reason to hope.

This Christmas, I encourage you to take some "time to recess."
Praying you experience the richness of God's love for you,
found in the gift of His precious Son this Christmas!
