Friday, July 26, 2013

Experiencing His Rest

Sometimes I get frustrated with myself. That never happens to you, does it? :) My perfectionist personality really shines through in the summertime when it comes to creating to-do lists and goals that I aim to accomplish in a short amount of time. Problem is that when I don't achieve all that I desired, I become easily frustrated with myself. However, I am realizing something new- I don't have to do it all.

I've been doing a Women of Faith book study with a dear friend. The book is titled Resting in Him: I need to slow down, but I can't! It has been a definite challenge for me to accept the fact that I don't have to be superwoman, especially in these few months where I do have extra time to work on projects. Sometimes taking an afternoon off to relax and spend solely with Jesus is a much better alternative. "When we take the time to rest, we begin to realize that what feels like doing nothing is really allowing God to do something inside of us." ~Margaret Feinberg.

Since I've come to this realization, I've planned more restful moments into my schedule. It really has made a difference! If I feel tired, I take a short power nap to rejuvenate. If I have the urge to read, I sit down and relax for a bit with one of the books from my summer stack. :) I've also made morning devotions and prayer time a huge priority. Beginning my day with Jesus is the best way to start off my day and brings a joyful heart and attitude!

One final thought:

"When we stop, we are in a better position to allow God to move in our lives. Rest is a physical reminder that we are not in control of everything and, at the end of the day we are not the ones who have to hold it all together. That is God's job. Rest reminds us of our place, not just in life, but in Him." (Feinberg)

May you experience the blessings of His rest today!

1 comment:

  1. this week was a much needed week of rest for me... including sleeping, Jesus time, and enjoying time with friends... God's rest is the ultimate! So thankful we can enjoy it!
