Friday, May 25, 2012

Sweet Summertime

Ahh, sweet summertime!  It is finally here. 
My first day of freedom.  It brings with it such a carefree feeling, as if I have nothing to do and all day to do it.  Which is basically what I'm doing today.  :)

Here's what I'm looking forward to during the next 3 months:

  •  Family trips to the cabin
  • A beach trip with the cousins (first time ever...I have no clue why we haven't done it before!)
  • My week volunteering with Joni and Friends at Spruce Lake Retreat
  • Sleeping in
  • A photo shoot with friends
  • Working on some cute projects like this, this, and this. 
  • Making some of these goodies: homemade frozen yogurt, strawberry lemonade scones, and fruit salsa with baked cinnamon chips.  Yum!
  • More pinning.  :)  {What would I do without Pinterest?}
  • Campfires followed by stargazing
  • Catching up on my reading list

So what are you planning to do this summer? 
Make sure you take time to prop your feet up, breathe in the wonderful summer smells, and relax!

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like a good summer to me! Enjoy your time at the beach too =D
