Thursday, January 19, 2012

Ambitions for the new year

Just thought I'd jot down a few things that I'd like to accomplish in 2012:
  • Bake a loaf of fresh bread.
  • Learn how to play the guitar.
  • Volunteer.
  • Have an outdoor photo shoot with friends.
  • Get up early to watch a sunrise and actually take the time to enjoy it.
  • Organize several years worth of photos.
    • I'm not big on scrapbooking.  Any easy, but cute shortcuts to this?
  • Be more crafty.  Hello, Pinterest!  :)
  • Be an encourager via cards, visits, secret gifts, etc.
  • Become more mission minded.
  • Do a personal study on the names of Jesus.
    • This may lead to a new blog series!
  • Do a random act of kindness every day.
Here's another list~ this time it's books that are on my Have Read/To Read List (Thanks for the idea, Natalie!)...

  • One Thousand Gifts by Ann Voskamp.
    • I'm half-way through this book and loving it!  She has such a unique, yet interesting writing style.  I've been challenged to look for ways in which God has blessed me in life with gifts both great and small.
  • A Lineage of Grace by Francine Rivers.
    • This is an incredibly thought-provoking fictional account of the stories of five women in the lineage of Jesus- Tamar, Rahab, Ruth, Bathsheba, and Mary.  Although some of the details were imagined by the author, it's possible that the same thoughts and feelings of these women were very real.  I'd highly recommend this book to those looking for something that will cause them to ponder and take a deeper look at each of these womens lives in the Bible.
  • Outlive Your Life by Max Lucado.
    • He has such great thoughts as well, encouraging believers to make a difference in our world.  What if we all took the Great Commission seriously and genuinely did our best to live a Christ-like life?  This is another book that I'm partway through (I have a bad habit of doing that!) 
  • Crazy Love by Francis Chan.
    • I've heard so much about this book so I figured I'll have to check it out for myself!  It's just sitting on my bookshelf waiting.  And waiting...
  • Passion and Purity by Elisabeth Elliot.
    • A friend recommended this book to me, but I have yet to read it.  Looking forward to reading the words and wisdom of Elisabeth soon.
  • Through my Eyes by Tim Tebow with Nathan Whitaker.
    • Ok, I'll admit it.  I'm a fan.  This guy's solid faith and genuine life, even in the spotlight, is pretty admirable.  My brother wants to read this book so I decided I'll check it out when he's done with it!  :)
  • I'd love to read some biographies this year too.  Know of any good ones?
I suppose that's enough of books to keep me busy for now.  If anyone has any book suggestions they'd like to pass on, I'm all ears!  And I'd love to hear your goals/ideas for this year as well!


1 comment:

  1. Be an encourager... what a great ambition! Loving your book list as well. I love Crazy Love and One Thousand Gifts! Hmm... good biographies... "Kisses from Katie" is awesome! She's a missionary in Africa and she's our age! "I Will Carry You" by Angie Smith was good... and if you liked The Blind Side, "In a Heartbeat: Sharing the Power of Cheerful Giving" by the Tuohy's was pretty good as well.
