Sunday, January 29, 2012

What is Love?

I've never been one to go crazy over Valentine's Day.  I guess it's because it's so commercialized and "couple" oriented.  For singles like me, it can just be another reminder that we're still waiting on God's perfect timing and person for us.  This year, I decided to dig a little deeper and focus on God's deep love for me.  I taught Sunday School this morning and decided to ask my Kindergarteners and First Graders what they think love is.  Here are their answers:

~ "I love you."
~ "I heart you."  :)
~ "Something that Jesus made."  This one made me go "YES...this is what love really is."  It's not about hearts, roses, chocolate, or a candlelit dinner, etc.  It's about the Father's Love for you and for me!

Then I asked- "How do you show someone you love them?"

~"You don't be mean to them."
~"You can go out to dinner with your boyfriend."  Hahaha!  This little guy made me laugh!

My answer is a verse I read the other night: "Above all, love each other deeply, because love covers over a multitude of sins."  1 Peter 4:8

How do you show someone you love them?  You love them.  Love them when it's the last thing you want to do.  Love them when you don't get anything back in return.  Love them because Christ loves you and He expects you to extend that love!

Oh, I almost forgot.  After I had this question and answer session with my students, they began singing: "Yes, Jesus loves me.  Yes, Jesus loves me.  Yes, Jesus loves me.  The Bible tells me so!"  What a great reminder to me and hopefully to you too.

Check out this great video by Rend Collective Experiment.  It's Jesus Loves Me with a twist!

Stay tuned for a post on Valentine's from God!

Remember...You are loved!


  1. Aww! Sounds like an adorable group of kiddos you're teaching! =) And I love the Rend Collective Experiment! I've had them on repeat this past week =D

  2. Loved this post. Great reminder about God's love for us and loving others at all costs.. Also love the song! :)
