Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Christmas reflections

It's hard to believe that the Christmas season is over.  If you blink, you just might miss it or so it seems!  I'm so thankful for the moments I was able to spend with my precious family members over the past month.  That's what makes Christmas so special for me- being with those that I love!  Just wanted to share a few pictures from my Christmas~

You have to love Christmas babies, especially one as sweet as Hannah!  :)
Christmas dinner at our house...
I had fun helping to decorate!
And coming up with table favors and name tags.  Thanks to some friends for your great ideas!
I was crafty in {some!} gift giving this year.  Peppermint sugar scrub, head bands and hair clips, and felt flower pins.  What fun!

Also made these clutches.  I couldn't resist keeping one for myself!  :)
Oh, and by the way, over my Christmas break from school, I worked quite heartily on my room makeover.  It's not completely finished, but it's come a long way.  Before and after pictures coming after a bit!


  1. Love the new look dearest. And THANKS for the gifts. They are sweet and I love them! Also enjoyed our catch up time last weekend. Again soon? :)
