Thursday, March 22, 2012

Childlike Wonder

Raise your hand if you ever wish you could go back to your carefree childhood days!  Mine's raised.  :)  Remember how little things brought the greatest pleasure?  I have fond memories of neighborhood kickball games on warm summer evenings; my wonderful momma making us teddy bear pancakes for breakfast; and going 'fishing' in the middle of the kitchen, hoping to catch magnetic alphabet letters.

I recently came across this verse from Philippians 4:4 (The Message), which says- "Celebrate God all day, every day. I mean, revel in him!"  When was the last time you did that?  When was the last time I did that?  Celebrating God and who He is.  Reveling in Him.  {Revel means to take intense pleasure or satisfaction in.}  I know everyone is lacking in time these days, especially free moments to catch your breath or spend quiet time with your Creator.  Yet in the midst of your chaos, find a spare minute here or there to revel in and celebrate our loving Father.  What if we as adults still had the childlike faith and wonder of children?  What an incredibly different world we would live in! 

I personally think you are never too old to swing on swings at the park, blow bubbles, and lick melting ice cream cones.  (Or insert any other enjoyable childlike activity!) So my challenge to you is some childlike wonder today and have fun reveling in the wonder of our Father!  {And feel free to share your meaningful experiences or memories!}

1 comment:

  1. This is so sweet, simple, but true. Love that word: Revel =)
