Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Recent crafts and happenings

It's been far too long since I've last written.  I've had so many inspirations for posts, but not nearly enough time to write!  So today I'll be sharing some photos from the past few months:

I made this birthday card for my cousin last month.  I've had this fascination with birds lately so I incorporated it into her card.  :)
This is a bulletin board display that I created at school for the months of March and April.  Thank goodness for a Cricut machine!  I know the seed packets are too hard to read, but the labels on them say love, sharing, joy, patience, peace, and listening.
Pig cookies we made with our students after the 8th Grade students performed the play, Charlotte's Web. It was lots of fun for everyone!
Just 2 dozen of the approximately 24 dozen coconut and peanut butter eggs that my mom and I made for my fundraiser to raise money for my time as a volunteer at camp this summer.  It took 3 evenings and almost 2 full days to make all of these, but we sure had some happy recipients!

And last, but not least, a sneak peak of my room which I've been working on for the past few months.  However, I've run into a slight problem and I'm hoping you might have some cute and clever solutions for me!  I spent my Easter vacation repainting the border section in my room after removing the previous border over Christmas.  But when I finished, I realized (much to my dismay!) the new paint and my walls were 2 different shades of white.  What to do now is the question.  I really do not want to put up another border or repaint everything all over again.  So judge for yourselves and if you have ANY ideas, I'd be grateful if you'd share them!  Thanks so much.


1 comment:

  1. Loving all the crafts! Hmm... I'm not quite sure what you could do about the pain thing either. But if I think of something I'll let you know!
