Friday, January 27, 2017

A Season to Savor

Word of the year. To some, it may sound like a popular trend, but to me, it has proven to be a worthwhile challenge. As I was reflecting on the year ahead of me in 2017, the word savor came to my mind and I somehow knew it was my word.

Savor: a particular flavor, smell or taste of something; a distinctive quality.

Although savor seems to be mainly associated with food, I'd like to focus on the second half of the definition. This year, I desire to savor people- strengthen relationships and friendships. In 2016, I was especially reminded of the frailty of life when my dear friend's father passed away suddenly at a fairly young age. I want to live in the moment and enjoy those near to my heart. We are never guaranteed tomorrow. Each day is a gift from our Creator and I want to make the most of the days He gives to me.

I also desire to savor moments this year. Even when my dear baby wakes up crying in the middle of the night, I strive to choose joy amidst my grogginess. Joy that I have a healthy daughter who is able to wake me and that I am able to bring comfort to her when she needs it. I know she will grow quickly so I am doing my best to enjoy all of the little moments of snuggling with her when she's napping and also playing with her rather than tackling things on my to-do list. The moments of watching my husband play with his little girl or moments of taking time to talk with a friend so we can both be encouraged. This all takes an intentional effort.

Memories are another thing that I hope to savor in 2017. This week my daughter rolled for the first time. So much excitement as we relish all of these milestones! Watching her grandparents and aunts/uncles enjoy her so much is another joy. Taking pictures helps to keep memories fresh, but I also feel like Mary some days-"But Mary treasured up all these things and pondered them in her heart." (Luke 2:19)

I love this picture of storing up memories and moments and hope to do a lot of it this year.

I'm going to close with the following challenge-

In 2017, may you savor people (relationships and friendships), savor the little and big moments in life, and savor memories deep within your heart.

[If you have chosen a word of the year, I'd love to hear it!]

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