Intention. Defined several ways- determination to act in a certain way: resolve. What one intends to do or bring about. The thing that you plan to do or achieve: an aim or purpose.
As I've reflected on this the past few days, I've focused on 3 areas in which I feel led to be intentional this year.
#1- Living with intention. This sounds so cliché, but I want to live in gratefulness for each new day that I am given. Being filled with joy for what God has done for me and allow that joy to spill out to those around me. Taking time to play with my daughter or converse with my neighbor because they matter.
#2- Loving with intention. I have sensed that I need to grow in the area of loving those I don't know well including strangers. It is far too easy to cast judgements based on outward appearances, but that's not what God requires of me. He requires me to "do justice, to love kindness, and to walk humbly with your God." (Micah 6:8b, ESV) As I walk humbly with my God, I should have a desire to love those around me.
#3- Serving with intention. What does this look like for me this year? To be honest, I'm not entirely sure yet. Getting to know our neighbors better and those in our community. Meeting the needs of the hurting, whether it be through a listening ear, a word of encouragement or through a meal.There are many possibilities to serve and be a blessing.
Of course, I also desire to be intentional in several other areas such as doing more reading (stay tuned for an upcoming post with my book list for the year) and more frequent exercise (because it won't happen just by talking about it!) I am excited to see how I will grow from all of these intentions in the year ahead.
If you have a word or personal focus for the year ahead, I'd love to hear it. Blessings as you seek to learn and grow in a deeper way.
Photo Credit: Justin Brenneman
If you have a word or personal focus for the year ahead, I'd love to hear it. Blessings as you seek to learn and grow in a deeper way.
My word is "Hope".